Good News Christian Fellowship exists to worship God and to develop faithful followers of Jesus Christ by reaching the lost, establishing believers, and equipping them to represent Christ.

At Good News Christian Fellowship, you’ll find people who come together to seek God and worship Him with modern music and relevant messages in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Worshipers are encouraged to “come as you are.”

Church isn’t about how you look…it’s about connecting with God and finding His answers for your everyday life.

Join us each Sunday at 10:30am for worship! At 10am, enjoy coffee and goodies while fellowshipping with old friends and making new connections. Children’s church and nursery are available during the service. You may also connect with us on Facebook to view live Sunday morning worship.

Where We Worship: We worship at the Oasis Coffee Spot (9213 Little Road, 34654), located on the northeast corner of the Winn Dixie shopping center on the corner of Little Road and Embassy Blvd in New Port Richey.